Exciting News!

all the knits

all the knits

crochet touque 1

crochet touque 1

knit slippers with leather detail

knit slippers with leather detail

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You all asked and I have responded!  I have opened an Etsy shop so you can buy all the knitted goods you've seen me making!  I was originally hoping to do Christmas craft fairs with my things but my school schedule is just not really allowing for that.  With this Etsy store I can make orders as they come in and not have to worry about having a huge stock at all times!  As of right now there are two kinds of headbands, an adult hat, a toddler hat, and the famous slipper socks!  I plan on adding to this selection and will add them to the shop as I do, so check back often to make sure you're in the loop!

PS I apologize for my absence last week.  The Thanksgiving long weekend threw off my groove but I think I've got it back.  Get ready for a week of C&P posts everyone!