2018: A Year in Review

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This is the second time I’ve sat down to write this “year in review” post. My first go at it was great. I covered most of the year and it felt great. The post was formatted ready to go and came in at only 2,572 words

Um, I’m sorry, what?

Unless someone has purchased either a biography or an autobiography there is absolutely no reason that anyone would care to read that much about someone else’s life. 

So I checked myself.

It’s been a helluvuh year and clearly I had a lot to say about it. But we’ve all had a year. We’ve all gone through crazy changes and experienced things over the last 365 days that have us entering 2019 as new versions of ourselves. 

Rather than sharing my year with you I’m going to encourage you to spend some time looking back on your own year if you haven’t already. I’ll be the first say that it’s not necessarily a fun thing to do - especially if your year took you to places you would have rather not gone to. But I’m also going to be the first to say that going through your year can be a heck of an enlightening experience. You might see some patterns, notice a few coincidences (which, if you actually take a moment to examine, you might realize they could not have possibly been anything other than very intentionally orchestrated events handed to you by our beautiful universe), and you might just get a little bit stoked by how incredible it feels to recognize all that you accomplished this year.

I hope that today, wherever you are you’re feeling loved and appreciated and are revelling in the magic of this final day of 2018. I hope you’re looking forward to the exciting uncertainty of tomorrow’s new beginning and that you grant yourself the freedom to feel however you may feel about the arrival of the new year. 

Personally, today I’m taking the time to feel more and think less. I’m sending out gratitude to the universe for taking care of me this year, and I’m thanking my self for the patience she’s had for me as I navigated all of the changes and newness that came with opening myself up. I’m tuning into my heart and letting her know that she’s going to have the talking stick this year, it’s her turn and I’m ready to listen. 

Happy New Year my beautiful people, see you on the flip side!