Spring Potpourri

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I love it when a house smells like a home.  Like a place where people live and love and do things that make them happy.  At Christmas time houses are full of scents of cinnamon and baking, pine trees and, well, Christmas!  In the spring I love the smell of flowers and fresh rain and all things sweet.  Rather than going out and buying an expensive candle that would fill my house with those things I decided to make my own stove top potpourri.  When I was doing my research to find out what other people had used, citrus fruits seemed to be a common denominator.  But, to give it a little something extra I added another ingredient... TEA!  I have a whole bunch of tea from David's Tea that smells uh-mazing.  I picked the springiest one I had and dumped some on top of the simmering citrus fruit and left it to waft throughout the apartment all day.  The combination of all the smells, the light breeze drifting through the open windows and  all the sun in the forecast is getting me very excited for more days just like today!

In case you want the directions for my spring potpourri here they are:

  • fill a small or medium pot about half way full of water
  • slice up lemons, limes and oranges into thin pieces
  • squeeze the butts (hahaha) of the fruit into the water to get all the juice
  • sprinkle your favourite tea on top
  • Bring to a boil for a couple minutes, then reduce the heat and let it simmer for as long as you like!