
Best part of the week: On Sunday a friend and I drove out to Mystic Beach and it was just the best freaking time ever. The weather was ideal, the tunes were perfect, and the company couldn’t be beat. We drove out past Sooke, walked through the deliciously lush forest, then emerged onto a beach that we had all to ourselves for a little while. The waves were crashing on the shore, a waterfall was streaming over the edge of the cliff, when you looked straight ahead you could see the openness of the sea and the hugeness of the mountains in the distance and when you turned around you could see the denseness of the forest stretching all down the coast. I just love where I live so flipping much and getting to experience and share it with people I love is one of my absolute favourite things in the world.

Worst part of the week: Our office is so cold. The heat hasn’t been working so we’ve been laying up and leaving early.

Geez. If that’s the worst part of my week I think I’m doing alright.

Something I’m grateful for: My mattress topper. It’s not new but I’m currently writing this in my bed and I am so comfortable and just feel like it deserves a mention and a little extra appreciation for keeping me so comfy and cozy.

Something I’m excited for: My mumma is coming for a quick visit this weekend and I can’t wait to see her!

237) What's your favourite board game? Scrabble. Ohhhh or the Game of Life. When I was in grade 6 or 7 that game was my definition of a good time.

Happy weekending buddies!

TGIFEmily JohnsonComment