the future is female shirt
sunday morning americano and cinnamon bun
sunday morning americano

Best part of the week: Last night I went and saw Silence with my roommate. It was deep and beautifully shot and thought provoking and loaded and I was very impressed with it. But really, I just went for Andrew. And he did not disappoint. I know the long hair, scruffy beard, and slim stature isn’t for everyone but don’t even try to argue that he isn’t smokin’.

Worst part of the week: I spent a lot of time feeling bored and I also spent far too much time comparing my life to the lives of others. As I mentioned last week, I've been feeling a little lost lately so watching the highlight reel of other people's lives (aka Instagram) was a little harder to handle than usual.

Something I’m grateful for: Would it be shallow to say Andrew Garfield?

Something I’m excited for: I have a couple of exciting things coming up in the next little while! First, this weekend I’m meeting up with someone to talk about the business of working in the online world. I’m considering going back to school for web-based stuff but I want to make sure it’s really something I want to invest time and money into. Second, I registered for a course that’s all about online business. It starts in a couple of weeks but I’m so excited to get started! Finally, I am sooooo close to being done with the blog revamp. It’s taken me a bit longer than I’d hoped but I’m quite happy with how it looks and I can’t wait to reveal it soon!

107) Have you ever tried archery? Yes. When I was in 7th grade our class went on a camping trip and we got to try all sorts of things including archery, shelter building, canoeing, and kayaking.

Happy weekending peeps!