Best part of the week: there were lots of good things that happened this week! I ate lots of yummy food and drank loooots of yummy coffee. I got to spend time with my friends, I met some new people, and got a potentially very exciting invitation (don’t want to jinx it so I’ll tell ya later)!

Worst part of the week: There were just a few moments this week where I was not into it… Not into what I was doing, not into things I had planned, and just in an overall bit of a bad mood.

Something I’m grateful for: the people in my life who tell it to me straight. Sometimes you just need that person who’s going to say “you’re wrong,” or “that isn’t a good idea,” or “you need to think about that differently.” It may not be the nicest thing to hear and it may even make you mad at first, but it’s those people who you know care enough to be honest with you and truly want the best for you.

Something I’m excited for: FLOATING! Part of my birthday present from my parents was an hour long float session at one of those places where you float in warm water full of so much salt. The lights are off and you can’t hear anything or see anything and you just “be.” I am so excited to completely unplug from the world and see how I react to having no stimulation. I don’t think I can ever remember a time in my life where there hasn’t been something grabbing my attention in one way or another so I can’t WAIT to try it out!

385) Do you prefer vertical or horizontal stripes? For wearing - horizontal. For painting a room to make it appear taller - vertical (can you tell my job has me thinking about interiors…)

That’s all for today folks! Happy weekending and I’ll see you next week!