Best part of the week: It’s about to happen because I am going home tonight! It’s been a good week overall but I’ve been missing home a lot the past few days so I’m very happy today knowing that I’ll get to see all my mainland peeps!

Worst part of the week: I was having a sad day on Tuesday. With my grad, my sister’s grad, my upcoming birthday, and a Harry Potter book coming out in July I’ve really been feeling the sadness about not having my Gram around.  She’s got Alzheimer's so she doesn’t really know what’s going on and can’t participate the way she used to.  Family was so important to her and around times like this, when there’s so much excitement and celebration, she was always the first one to make sure we were all together feeling loved and having a good time.  

Something I’m grateful for: My friends! We’ve been reminiscing about our own grad FIVE YEARS AGO and I’m just so grateful that I got to go through all of that with them.  They’re pretty fab.

Something I’m excited for: Zoe’s grad tomorrow!!! I’m heading to the mainland tonight and tomorrow afternoon I’ll be the photographer for all the kids who meet at someone’s house before heading downtown to their dinner/dance.

426) Do you have popcorn with a movie? Are there people who don’t…?

I hope you all have a fabulous weekend and get to do something fun!