
Happy Friday! I had to take a few photos for a school assignment this week and I decided to take them down at the beach on a perfectly grey, windy fall day we had over the weekend.

Best part of the week: I was in a super fantastic mood on Wednesday. I had a great sleep the night before, I ate food I loved all day long, I had just the right amount of caffeine, and I was with some of my favourite people all day! 

Worst part of the week: Even though I was in a super great mood on Wednesday, there was a major car accident right near where I go to school and it caused all the roads in the area to turn into brutal streets of non-moving cars. So that super sucked.

Something I'm grateful for: This week I am feeling grateful for the fact that we weren't assigned a ton of homework for the weekend. We've got a few projects on the go so there's still oodles of work to do but extra homework assignments weren't really given out much this week so I am grateful that I can spend the weekend working mostly on the projects I already have on the go.

Something I'm looking forward to: I don't know when it's coming but sometime in the next few weeks/couple of months I'm going back to Victoria. It'll likely only be for a day trip but I have been missing it so so so much lately and any time at all that I can spend there is going to be freaking awesome.

86) Have you ever flown a kite? I believe I have. I vaguely remember being a kid and having taking a kite out with the fam and trying to get it to fly. I don't remember if it worked or not so obviously it wasn't that big of an event... I also think I might have tried making one, too, at some point? But clearly kite flying wasn't a big part of my childhood...

Happy weekending friends! May it be full of tea, books, friends, family, and cozy blankets!