Cashmere & Plaid | lifestyle blog in Victoria BC - cozy living room featuring vintage union jack flag, industrial shelving, flowers, and DIY Ikea hack lamp
Cashmere & Plaid | Lifestyle blog in Victoria BC - fresh stack of handmade knit slipper socks
Cashmere & Plaid | Lifestyle blog in Victoria BC - knitting slipper socks with coffee in hand
Cashmere & Plaid | Lifestyle blog in Victoria BC - sunrise moment

This is a special post. It’s the first one since moving back to the island and it’s one that I’ve written about 4 times. I just couldn’t decide if I was going to stick to the standard question and answer post or if I was going to do another story time. But, Friday check ins only come once a week, stories can be written always!

Best part of the week: I’ve had a couple of highlights this week. One of them was definitely the massage I got in the office that I work in. Yeah. I didn’t even have to leave my place of work and I got to enjoy a 20 minute massage on a massage table with super chill tunes playing and wrapped in a cozy blanket. That’s gonna be a yes from me dawg.

Worst part of the week: Wednesday was a rooough one. It started on a not so great note in the morning and just kept unfolding in not smoothly. We (my friend-boss and I) were debriefing it all yesterday and we’ve agreed that there must have been something cosmic happening on Wednesday because it was like no one could catch a break.

Something I’m grateful for: The new people I’m meeting who are seeing me, accepting me, and giving me a chance.

Something I’m excited for: Today! I’m starting the day with coffee with a new friend before work, a fun day at the office featuring a bit of web design and a four year old, popping in to see someone I haven’t seen in ages, then heading back to the mainland for a birthday party. Busy, but so, so good.

784) Whats the scariest thing you've ever done? I wrote 7 different answers for this question. My answered ranged from “sleeping in my room even when I knew there was a huge ass spider in it” to an answer so deep and full of thoughts that I saved it for another day because I feel like it deserves a post all to itself. So. What’s the scariest thing I’ve ever done? As a person with a cozy comfort zone and a touch of anxiety, “scary” is something I do on the daily. This week the scariest thing I did was let a person give me a massage. 19 days ago the scariest thing I did was pack everything I own into a truck and move it over to the island. Scary is relevant and ever changing. Since I can’t think of a time when I was afraid for my life I’m going to count myself as a very lucky person and leave it at that. Stay tuned for another day when I really dive deep into scary, fear, danger and me! Until then, happy Friday friends! May your weekend be full of love, laughter, hugs, cuddles, coffee, and puppies!