The Fall Report

UVic in the Mist
UVic in the Rain

It's no secret that fall has historically been my least favourite season.  But so far this fall has been really great!  I've been back at school for six weeks (half way through the first semester!!) and all of my classes are going well. There was a little bit of an adjustment period having been away from it for so long, but I think I'm back in the swing of things.  I've already had a bunch of midterms and a paper, and things are only getting busier!  I'm enjoying all of the material I'm learning, while a couple of my professors, however, could take a hike...  

I'm into a nice routine and am feeling really great.  My mood has been on the rise for the past few months and I am thrilled to report that there has been no slipping as of yet!  I think my UK trip really did wonders for my mental health.  Every time the weather is kind of bad, or I'm feeling overwhelmed with school, or am just too tired and slightly grumpy, I think about all of the amazing things I saw, the people I spent time with, and just take a moment to remember that it's all good in the hood.

Also, this stunning weather that we've been having has been making me fall more and more in love with this city!  A couple of weekends ago I went exploring parts of the city I had never been to or spent much time in and loved it! It was like being a tourist in a city I thought I knew pretty well.  I've been talking to a few businesses here in the city too and can't wait to share them with you!

I think that's all I've got for you today! How is YOUR fall going?  I would love to hear about what you're doing and how this season is treating you so far!