It's April already?!


Can we just take a moment to let it sink in that it’s APRIL already?!  Didn’t Christmas happen just last week? No? Just me?  Ok then.

Things have been pretty busy in these here parts (hence the lack of posts).  March is an absolutely insane month.  There are so many birthdays and things going on that the month just flies by.  

I thought that on this slow moving Tuesday I would share a little life update for those that care.

Seeing as I wrote an entire post on my depression and anxiety a couple of months back it’s not it's not going to come as a surprise that I’ve been working hard at getting it all under control.  These past four months I’ve been in consistent therapy doing some really good work.  It took me a while to warm up to it (as in I've only just started appreciating it these last couple weeks…) but I think it’s helping.  I’m learning that dealing with these things is a really personal thing and not at  a one-treatment-fits-all.  Meds, as great as they can be, aren’t good enough.  It’s a complex equation of medication, paying attention to yourself, and knowing what to do when you feel a certain way.  It’s hard, man!  
Although I've had mixed feelings about taking time off of school and moving back home for a while, I think it was definitely the right thing to do.  I don't think I could have gotten better while still going to school full time and being away from home.  But, as I think most people who have gone from living on their own to moving back home, it isn't exactly ideal.  But I guess the entire situation isn't really ideal...

On a lighter note, I’ve joined a book club and so far I am loving it!  In the past three months we’ve read The Enchanted, The Invention of Wings, and Miss Peregrine’s Home For Peculiar Children.  Currently, we’re working our way through We Are All Completely Beside Ourselves. 
I’m the youngest in the group, as well as the only one without kids, but I really don’t care.  These women aren’t that much older than me and it feels great to get together with cool people and talk about interesting things!  I'm also really liking talking about books I read without being in a school setting.  My entire life, the only time I've talked about novels has been in a classroom setting where there has always been pressure to say insightful and intelligent things because you know you're getting graded on it.  In book club I still feel like it's important to say somewhat intelligent things but the pressure of it having to be "A worthy" isn't there, and that's something I really like!  

Speaking of books, Hey Natalie Jean’s book was UH-MAZ-ING.  I devoured it.  I knew I was going to love it based solely on the fact that I love her.  But it was seriously so much more amazing than I was anticipating.  I laughed out loud multiple time, cried at one of her touching stories and made so many mental notes that I’ll probably have to reread the book just to remember what they were.  It kind of reminded me of Alexa Chung’s book It.  Both are little peeks into the life of a totally awesome person and are full of stories as well as life and beauty tips. I would 1000% recommend this book to pretty much any girl on the planet.  Guys, probably wouldn’t appreciate it quite as much… But hey, give it a go if you want!

I think that pretty much covers the past little while… I’m sure there are things that I’ve missed but overall, I think you’re all caught up!  Happy short week friends, and I hope the Easter Bunny spoiled you all!